Ramadan is a special month for Muslims where they fast from sunrise to sunset. However, kids are not required to fast until they reach puberty. Some kids might choose to fast for a few hours to feel more involved in the holy month, others might want to train themselves for when they are required to fast as adults.
So, Is it okay for kids to fast?
Yes! You may let your kids participate in fasting. But, teaching kids to fast during Ramadan should be done step by step.
Start with shorter periods of fasting, and gradually increase the duration as they become comfortable. And as a parent, it’s also important to ensure they eat healthily and get the nutrition they need.
Fasting is not all that Ramadan is about, there is so much more to teach kids during this month. Read our article here on how to involve kids in the festivities of Ramadan: Introducing Ramadan to the Little Ones
If your kids do wish to fast, here are some tips for healthy eating habits during Ramadan that your kids will love!
1. Start with a yummy breakfast or Suhoor
Source: Unsplash
Starting the day with a yummy and nutritious breakfast is super important, especially when you’re fasting. Eating a breakfast that includes whole grains, protein, fruits, and veggies will give you energy for the day ahead.
How about some delicious oatmeal with banana, honey, and almonds, with a glass of milk on the side? Yum!
If your kids are able to join you for Suhoor (the meal before dusk), try delaying your suhoor meal! It can help reduce the feeling of hunger and thirst during the day. So, they can tackle their daily tasks with energy and focus.
2. Stay hydrated
Source: Unsplash
3. Fuel the body with protein rich, whole foods
Source: Freepik
When Ramadan comes, it’s easier to find food bazaars in some parts of the city. So, you have plenty of options to eat!
Instead of eating a lot of fried, sugary, and processed foods during Iftar and Suhoor, it is better to focus on eating whole foods that keep you full for long.
Veggies, fruits, whole grains, and lean protein are great for your body, provide important vitamins and minerals, and boost your energy level!
4. Cut back on sugary snacks and drinks!
As much as kids love their sweet drinks and snacks, it is best to avoid to keep energy levels high and avoid unnecessary weight gain.
Instead, try offering your kids healthy options, like fruits, or homemade snacks like these sugar free desserts by SATU. It’s a home based bakery that specializes in making guilt-free & low carb desserts using zero calorie natural sweeteners.
Source: Her Rise Above
Looking for more delicious and healthy meals, heavenly cookies, desserts and cakes? Check out Her Rise Above for a variety of wholesome options. Not only will you be treating yourself, but you’ll also be supporting small local businesses in your neighbourhood.5. Plan Ahead
Source: Freepik
Planning meals ahead of time can help ensure that your kids are eating healthy and getting the right nutrients. Plus, involving your kids in meal planning and preparation is a great way to teach them about healthy eating habits and get them excited to try new foods.
With your involvement, children can enjoy this special time of Ramadan with the whole family. However, it’s important to consult a doctor if your kids have any underlying medical conditions before allowing them to fast.
Let’s ensure our little ones stay safe and healthy during this festive month!